Athletics: Adult Basketball League
For Ages: 18 years & up
Gather up a team for this adult league, which plays for 8 weeks and concludes with a season-ending tournament. Cash prize for the winning team.
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For Ages: 18 years & up
Gather up a team for this adult league, which plays for 8 weeks and concludes with a season-ending tournament. Cash prize for the winning team.
For Ages: grades 3 - 8
The Barrington Park District and South Barrington Park District have joined together to offer the children in the Barrington area a fun, recreational basketball league.
For Ages: 16 Years & Up
Whether you are a beginner or returning to dance after an absence, come and see how much fun dance can be for YOU too.
For Ages: 14 - 18 years
Don’t be left out in the cold! The BHS Ski Club is a great way to have more fun skiing and also hang out with all your friends and meet new ones.
For Ages: 7 Years & Up
These one-on-one private lessons are designed for both children and adults that are beginners, intermediate or advanced in their skill level.
For Ages: 12 Years & Up
These classes emphasize a positive approach to behavior modification at home as well as in the show ring.
Let the Barrington Park District staff help this year by hiding three dozen candy and toy filled plastic Easter eggs around your front yard!
For Ages: 1 Year and Up with Adult
Breakfast with Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt is an annual Park District tradition that you and your child won’t want to miss.
For Ages: 6 - 14 years
The LEGO Robotics Academy is a comprehensive program where children learn to design, build and program projects based on LEGO Education robotics.